Hillsdale Academics
Hillsdale has embraced SLCs as a school-wide model and has created reforms that have resulted in higher test scores, greater levels of personalization and more students successful in college preparatory programs. With few exceptions, all 9th grade students are enrolled in four college preparatory core classes of English, World History, Biology, and Algebra I (or higher), as well as PE, World Language, and a possible elective. Core teachers and students loop together into the 10th grade where students take English, World History, Chemistry, and Geometry. Each student is also assigned an advisor with whom they meet several times a week to focus on academic, personal, and life-long learning goals.
In the 11th and 12th grades, students move to a new set of teachers, with a core of two to four teachers who also loop with the student for two years whenever possible. Students are encouraged to concurrently enroll in courses from the local community college, several of which are offered on the Hillsdale campus for ease of access. Seniors complete a "Senior Defense" in the spring of their senior year in which students demonstrate the knowledge and skills amassed over their 4 years of high school.
Student SupportThe Hillsdale teaching faculty and support staff are dedicated to the academic success and well-being of each individual student. With the implementation of SLCs, as well as a full array of support programs, students find that they have multiple and varied opportunities for academic support. SLCs enable teachers to better employ strategies such as: looping, collaboration, integrated curriculum and instruction, personalization, differentiated instruction, and authentic learning (e.g., project-based learning, exhibitions).
Hillsdale believes (and found support in the research and consultation of scholars such as Jacqueline Ancess of Columbia University and Linda Darling-Hammond of Stanford University) that rather than adding remedial classes onto a core, improved instructional strategies and a more focused use of resources to support students in demanding college preparatory courses would allow more students to succeed at high levels. Our enrollment, grade, and test results suggest that this belief was well-founded.
Click Here for the HHS Graduate Profile, Portfolio and Senior Defense Information page. It contains important links for all Seniors!