English Courses
English Courses
Grade: 9 Duration/Credits : Year/10 Credits
UC/CSU: Yes, “b” - English
This course introduces students to the expectations for high school Common Core reading and writing and teaches foundational skills for future English classes. Texts may include mythological stories from the Greek tradition, a Shakespearean drama, as well as fiction and non-fiction from the 20th and 21st centuries. Students will learn basic components of composition, including the development of theses; the organization of paragraphs; and the integration of sources. The class will also focus on the fundamental elements of English grammar and apply those fundamentals to writing assignments. Thematic units may be tied to, but are not limited to causes of war, institutionalized racism, and others).AS students will also read supplemental selections geared toward students who read above grade level. See attachment for a description of expectations for AS designation selection.
Grade: 10 Duration/Credits : Year/10 Credits
UC/CSU: Yes, “b” - English
This course puts an emphasis on 20th century literature and puts the texts into the context in which they were composed. With each text that students read, they will also study the historical background that shaped the subject matter. Texts will include drama, novels, and non-fiction. The class will continue to focus on the fundamental elements of English grammar and apply those fundamentals to writing assignments. Students will also continue to develop Common Core writing skills introduced in English I, with special attention paid to original argument and analysis. Thematic units are tied to, but not limited to 13 the rise of totalitarianism, human nature, and others. See attachment for a description of expectations for AS designation selection.
Grade: 11 Duration/Credits : Year/10 Credits
UC/CSU: Yes, “b” - English
This course focuses on American literature and aligns with themes in the US History course. Fiction and non-fiction readings will be drawn from the colonial period to the 21st century. Genres covered will include novels, drama, poetry, sermons, essays, articles, and memoir. Final written assessments include narrative, informational, and argumentative forms of writing. The year culminates with the Junior Humanities Project, which is a thesis-based research paper that develops argument using outside sources. Particular attention will be given to research skills, evaluating sources, and their credibility. The writing, grammar and vocabulary elements of this class look towards preparing students for the PSAT and SAT, and are aligned with the Common Core Standards. In addition to the above, the Honors course provides students preparation for the AP Language and Composition exam, which is optional at the end of junior year, and prepares them to take the AP Literature course senior year. Students are primarily expected to read independently. Honors students also read additional works that enrich the core text used in the CP course.
AP ENGLISH Language and Composition
Grade: 11 Duration/Credits : Year/10 Credits
UC/CSU: Yes, “b” - English
This course is a college-level English class which also prepares students to take the AP Examination offered by the College Board. The course continues to prepare students for advanced studies in English. Students are trained in reading, writing, and analyzing rhetoric for the AP examination. The course focuses on primarily non-fiction texts, though some literature is included as well. Students read a variety of texts, including essays, articles, short stories, poetry, novels, and films and focus on identifying and analyzing the arguments being made in them. Students write frequently, working on techniques of argumentation, analysis, and synthesis as well as refining their personal writing style. All students enrolled are prepared to take the AP Language and Composition exam in May.
Grade: 12
Duration/Credits : Year/10 Credits
UC/CSU: Yes, “b” - English
The goal of the 12th grade English course is to prepare students for first year college English. As such, students will draw on skills that they have learned and practiced throughout the CP English sequence and apply those skills to a variety of different reading, writing, speaking, and multimedia tasks. Fiction and non-fiction reading selections grow more challenging, and may include Greek tragedy, Shakespeare, more challenging memoir, and excerpts from the California State Universities’ Expository Reading and Writing Course. Students will complete another humanities thesis-based research paper, with emphasis on identifying bias and writing counter-arguments and rebuttals. Continued vocabulary development is geared particularly toward the SAT and ACT tests. Concepts of grammar and composition learned in previous years will be practiced, applied, and refined.
Grade: 12
Duration/Credits : Year/10 Credits
UC/CSU: Yes, “b” - English Prerequisite: Competence (grade A or B) in past English classes is strongly recommended
This class is designed to be a college-level course and prepares students to take the AP Literature and Composition exam in May. Coursework will focus on developing the skills necessary for students to do close analysis of various literary elements as they are employed by writers in poetic, narrative and dramatic forms. Fiction and non-fiction reading selections grow more challenging, and will include Greek tragedy, Shakespeare, more challenging memoir, and poetry. Students are expected to read the literature and apply close reading strategies independently. Students will be graded primarily on their level of understanding of the material as demonstrated in critical essays. The curriculum will be completed a few weeks before the actual AP exam, leaving time to prepare for the test by taking practice exams and reinforcing student understanding of all the concepts taught throughout the course.