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Welcome to the Physical Education Department

Two years (20 credits) of Physical Education are required for graduation.

Uniform Requirement

All students must wear the required P.E. uniform to class, which may be purchased, at the start of the school year. Sweatpants and sweatshirts may be worn over the required uniform during inclement weather.

Locks and Lockers

Lockers are provided for all students.  Long lockers are provided during their P.E. class period to store their day clothes. It is advised that backpacks be left in the school lockers when not in use. HILLSDALE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS. LEAVE ALL VALUABLES AT HOME. If the lock is lost the replacement cost is five dollars.

Medical Excuses for PE

Generally, a student well enough to be in school is required to dress in the appropriate physical education uniform. When a situation arises that would make activity harmful for a student, the following procedure is to be followed: the student is to bring a note signed by a parent, guardian, or physician to the teacher before class begins. A physician’s note is needed after four consecutive missed days of Physical Education Class excused by a parent. In all cases, a student is still required to dress in the P.E. uniform. If a student is medically excused beyond six weeks (30 class days) the student will be removed from the class and will need to make up the course at a later time.

Physical Education Courses