Work Permits
If you are under 18 and are still enrolled in high school and need a NEW work permit OR if you are RENEWING a work permit, please read the directions below.
Get a job. (Need support finding one? See here for our virtual job board.)
Download or pick up the B1-1 Request for Work Permit document. (Pick up a paper copy in the College & Career Center!)
Complete the B1-1 document……
Students fill out the Minor’s Information and School sections
A parent or guardian reads and signs their section.
The employer fills out and signs their section.
→All signatures must be in ink and original. Meaning: NO DIGITAL SIGNATURES.
When the application is complete, give to Mr. Reyes in the College & Career Center. Literally hand it to him, or put in the lockbox if he is unavailable.
The permit will be ready in 1-3 business days. Come by to pick up the permit.
→ If you are a Middle College student, see the administrative assistant or Ms English, the counselor. They can issue you a work permit. You do NOT need to come to Hillsdale.
Work permits are approved if the student meets GPA (2.0) and attendance requirements set by the San Mateo Union School District.
Questions? Mr. Reyes, the Career Coordinator, is on site Monday and Thursday, 8-4 and Fridays, 8-12pm
Jerel Reyes
Career Coordinator
M & Th, 8-4pm; F, 8-11:30am