9th Grade
Ninth Grade Counseling Information
Course of Study
Our 9th grade students take English, History, Biology and PE. Students will be placed in a math class based on their 8th grade course in combination with the placement test and teacher recommendation. Students have the choice to take up to two additional electives including a world language. Many 9th graders choose to only take 6 classes as they transition to high school. However, students have the option to take seven classes that might include a visual and performing arts class, an academic support class, or a class that meets the needs of their IEP.
Meetings with Counselors
In addition to counselors visiting students and giving presentation within advisory, Individual meetings between counselor & student as needed for:
- Social/Emotional Support
- Questions regarding classes
- Academically At-Risk Students
Ninth grade Level Supports
Hillsdale students will receive the following supports that are unique to the ninth grade:
- Academic support and having an individualized 4 year plan.
- Review of semester classes and transcript review.
- Exploring post-secondary options ( access to college & career)
- Utilizing support services on campus ( access to academic/wellness counseling)