Dance Boosters
Dance Boosters
The Dance Booster is a group of parents who come together to support the Dance Director, HHS Dance Ensemble, and all the dance students at Hillsdale High School. These parents share their time and talents by organizing dance events throughout the year, helping with costumes, working on set construction, publicizing the show, producing show programs, and coordinating concessions at the show. Dance Booster is a place to meet parent who are new to the Dance Booster group and some who have been involved for many years. We have the opportunity to bond with each other and enjoy the experience of making our kids have one of the most memorable experience in high school!
Hillsdale Dance Booster is supported by the generous parents and other members of our community. Please join the Dance Booster and help support this outstanding dance program. All of the financial support helps fund our dance classes and shows and are always appreciated! If you have a desire to support the Performing Arts at Hillsdale High School, please consider donating to this fantastic program!
Booster funds are used for enhancing the HHS dance department, stipends for guest choreographers, master classes, dance productions, and for audio/ video equipment for our theaters.
The Dance Booster generally meet on the last Monday of every month at 7pm in the Green Room (adjacent to the Dance Room). Current information about the Dance Booster events are always posted on the Hillsdale Bulletin. If you have any questions, please contact Korey McKean, Booster President, at