Drama Boosters
Drama Boosters
The Drama Boosters are a group of parents who support the director and students’ efforts in all theatre productions at Hillsdale High. We have a lot of fun together helping with costumes, sets, publicizing the show, creating programs, assisting in the lobby for each performance, and so much more. Meet new friends as we join in helping to make each show a rewarding experience for both our kids and ourselves! Booster funds are used for the following:
- Hillsdale Theater Productions
- Special projects and improvements for our theaters
- Hillsdale Improvisation Theater (H.I.T.) Squad coach and shows
Go to our website for additional department news and ticket information! And be sure to like and follow us on Facebook: #hilsdalehighschooldrama and on Instagram: @hillsdaledrama
The Drama Boosters generally meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm in the Green Room next to the Little Theatre. Please check the Hillsdale Bulletin for updates to this schedule. If you own a business and would like to sponsor or advertise in our programs, or if you have any questions, please contact our President.
Hillsdale Drama is supported by the generous parents and other members of the community. Join the Drama Boosters and help support our wonderful drama program. Your financial support will help us fund our shows this year. Our program is almost completely self-funded, so every donation--large or small--is important. No need to have a student in the cast or on the crew--all with an interest in the drama program are welcome. We are not just a Drama program, we are a family!
*Note: There is also a “requested participation donation” per student performer for the fall musical and spring play. These donations go directly towards paying for sound & lighting, costumes, and sets.
Booster Board
Co-Presidents - Barbara Sibley & Robyn Eddings
Treasurer - James McCollum
Secretary - Rebecca Rodnitzky
Production Manager - Sherri Verducci
Production Manager - Cheri Rivera
Production Manager - Elliott Margulies