Music Boosters
Music Boosters
We support the outstanding music department at Hillsdale through fundraising, volunteering at music festivals, chaperoning tours, etc. Through our donations we help purchase new instruments, hire clinicians for workshops, provide professional development for our teachers, and much more.
Your support in Music Boosters is what makes the musical experience at Hillsdale so exceptional. Through your donations and involvement, Music Boosters ensures our students have the essentials needed for a successful program.
Our budget includes all festival fees and transportation, sheet music, uniforms, and replacement and maintenance of instruments. In recent years Music Boosters have purchased much needed chairs, music stands, and instrument storage lockers for the Music Department.
Music Boosters meetings are scheduled at 7pm on the following Wednesdays: September 22, October 20, November 17, January 19, February 16, March 16, April 20, and May 18.
Until further notice, meetings will remain on Zoom and links to join will be sent out via the music directors prior to each meeting.
All music parents are welcome to attend our music boosters meetings. We look forward to seeing you!
Please check our webpage at
Boosters Board
President -- Lisa Kemp
Vice-President -- Christie Fekete
Treasurer -- Gerry Mannis
Secretary -- Yvone Hsiung
Auditor -- Nicole Vicinanza