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Maps and Visitor Information

Maps and Visitor Information

We are located at:
3115 Del Monte Street, San Mateo, CA 94403
tel: 650-558-2699 | fax: 650-574-4173
*The main office is next to the Del Monte St parking lot.

Map of Hillsdale Campus

Directions from 280:
92 East, West Hillsdale Blvd exit, right onto Hillsdale Blvd, left on Del Monte

Directions from 101:
Hillsdale Blvd exit, left onto Hillsdale Blvd, cross Alameda De Las Pulgas, right on Del Monte

Hillsdale High School Location

Visitor Information

Hillsdale welcomes alumni and other members of the community interested in visiting our campus. In an effort to better serve your purpose and cause the least amount of disruption, please follow these guidelines when coming to the campus.

ALL visitors must sign in at the main office before traveling to another location on campus, regardless of purpose.